Do not call the number. You were redirected to a SCAM malware website from the previous webpage you were viewing or you clicked on a link that was fake.

Never call any number that appears in a pop-up on your computer!

Option 1 – Close the browser

Option 1A. Close your browser. Move your mouse over the browser icon in the task bar, and right-click.

Select Close Window or Close all windows.

If you don’t see your task bar the malware window may be in Full Screen mode. Try pressing the Escape (Esc) Key and/or F11 to exit full screen mode.

Option 1B. Try Control (CTRL) + F4 which will close the active window or tab.

Option 1C. [Advanced] Open Task Manager and terminate the browser process. Press these keys and release: Control (CTRL) + ALT + Delete (DEL) and select Task Manager.

When you restart your browser. Do not restore pages if prompted.

Option 2 – Restart Windows

Press these keys and release: Control (CTRL) + ALT + Delete (DEL). This opens the Windows Security Screen.

On the bottom right of the Windows Security Screen look for the Power icon and click. Select Restart to restart your computer.

Once the computer reboots, log back in.

When you restart your browser. Do not restore pages if prompted.

Option 3 – Hard Windows Shutdown

Press and hold the power button on your computer for a count of 10. Then release. This will shut down your computer.

Press the power button to start it back up, and log in.

When you restart your browser. Do not restore pages if prompted.

This option may cause data loss, and is not recommended repeatedly as Windows will have to do a repair startup.