Here is an example of a fake invoice from How do you detect that is is fake.

Never call the number listed

  1. Look at the senders email address – it’s NOT from
  2. Notice that the invoice does not list anything about you (name, account, etc). 
  3. Notice the poor grammatical errors
  4. Do you even have a PayPal account? If so, type go to  and log in directly to your PayPal account to see if this is even listed.  

Mark this email as Junk/SPAM and block the sender.

If the sender if from someone you know … alert them that their email has been compromised and that they should change their password including logging out of all devices, and setup Two Factor (2FA) or Multi Factor (MFA) authentication on their account.

This process applies to any invoice or bill you get. Never call and Never click on any link in the email (or text). Open your browser and type in the account website directly and login to your account to verify the information.